H. Blake & Cable and Wireless(Flow)



  1. Complaint

Mr. Horace Blake filed a Complaint Form 1 against Cable & Wireless on June 17, 2019 indicating that he was about to travel (left on March 29, 2019) and as such, he notified a customer service representative at Cable & Wireless on March 19, 2019 via word of mouth, to temporarily suspend his services (Internet, Cable & Landline) until further notice. However, upon his return on June 7, 2019 all his services were off. Noting this, on June 12, 2019 he visited their office and found out that he had an arrears of $340.00 and a reconnection fee must be paid to have access to their services. He also stated that he had no cable services from January 1 –17, 2019.

However, on December 6, 2019 Cable & Wireless indicated that Mr. Blake’s complaint was fully investigated, and the charges found were legitimate.

Noting the above, Mr. Blake filed a complaint form 2 with the Commission on November 11, 2019 indicating that no one from Flow has been in contact with him since his complaint and queried the fee of $548.05 for services he never received. He also indicated that he would like to take the matter to a tribunal so that it can be resolved. 


2. Decision of the Tribunal

The Commission has agreed to close the tribunal as Flow decided to offer Mr. Blake a good will gesture of zeroing the balance towards his monthly bills for July 2019 – December 2019 as well as March 2019 bill.